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The story behind a 10 Year Old girl in Cebu has been raped by her own grandfather and uncles.

This is the story of a 10-Year-Old girl in Cebu, Philippines that has been raped by her own grandfather and two uncles that just happened lately. It was so depressing and disgusting story. What's up world? An another trending across social media that went viral.

A 10-year-old girl in Cebu City reported to the police that she has been raped by her grandfather and her two uncles multiple times. 

Maria, not her real name, recalled that she has been sexually abused by her grandfather and her uncle way back when she was still seven years old.

Asked how many times she has been raped by her own kin, she said that she already forgot how many times already.

“Nakalimot naman ko kay puli-pulihan raman ko nila (I already forgot because they would just take turns,)” she said while crying.

Currently, her grandfather and her uncles are detained and serving time in Mandaue City Jail, not for rape but for robbery.

John, not his real name, allegedly asked Maria to perform oral on him, which she refused. She escaped from him by running away. 

However, he managed to force himself on her last May 8 night. Maria was preparing to sleep when John went inside her home in Barangay Kasambagan. She was alarmed when he turned off the lights.

After the lights went out, the suspect violated her. 

He threatened to kill his 10-year-old niece if she would confess to her parents and to the authorities what happened.

“Nahadlok man ko niya (I got scared of him,” she said when asked why she did not shout for help when her uncle is violating her.

Upon learning this, her father who works as a garbage collector said he wants the suspects to be hanged for what they did. He also feared for the safety of her children, who are all girls.

“Maayo na silang bitayon (They all deserve to be hanged),” he emotionally said.

Maria’s aunt was horrified upon learning what happened to her niece.
“Mao gani nga nigaan-gaan mi nga nangapriso natong mga yawa, naa man sad diay nipuli (We thought that our burden was lessened when the two devils were imprisoned but John took their place),” she said.

The Mabolo police will file a case against John after Maria’s affidavit is signed. The case will also include her grandfather and her other uncle.

Maria already went to a series of psychological and trauma assessment tests to help her deal with the abuse. 
Maria’s father and the other members of the family were all in the hospital when the crime happened as the victim’s mother had a difficult labor. Chief Insp. Wildemar Tiu, chief of the Mabolo Police Station, said that he coordinated with the Women and Children’s Desk of his station to take care of Maria’s plight. Maria already underwent a series of psychological and trauma assessment tests, said PO1 Hannah Marie Batulan. The Mabolo police will file rape complaints against John as soon as Maria’s affidavit is signed. Her grandfather and her other uncle will also be included in the complaint.

What can you say about the story? How they all deserve for their punishment?

Say it. Let's just hope that the a 10 Year Old girl in Cebu has been raped by her own grandfather and uncles can recover from that trauma. Let's just hope for it and also for her family.
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